How to make Sri Lanka’s anagi II stove
Practical Action
37. Still with thumb
in the centre, raise
the wall.
38. Raise the wall a
second time.
39. Flare the lip.
40. Fold the lip
41. With the hand 42. Use two hands to
on the outside, raise further raise and
the wall.
straighten the wall.
43. With one hand
inside, and the
outside hand holding
a wooden rib, further
straighten the wall.
44. Check, the
diameter by
wrapping the vinyl
template around the
prices. The edges
should meet but not
45. Check that the
height is t least 7” with
the measuring stick.
46. Cut off the very
top of the piece
using the string.
47. Cut the piece
off the pallet using
the string.
48. Remove the piece
from the bat.